Waiting Discovers Joy
In the 3rd week of Advent, Pastor Mark discusses the difference between being “happy” and in feeling or having “joy”,,, this is an important distinction, and maybe one that we don’t often think about,,, just because we are happy, doesn’t mean that we have the joy in our lives that we all long for,,, I just loved the message that this Joy, comes from knowing the power of love in our lives that comes from knowing God and following Jesus Christ,,, it was said this morning, that when we start feeling restless, worried, distraught, etc, that our connection to God is becoming loose,,, I find such peace in knowing that all I need to do, is strengthen my connection, pray, read the word,,, I’m a work in progress, but I am so thankful for the birth of our Savior that has allowed, me, has allowed us all, to know that we can all experience that beautiful Joy in our hearts